Necessary Evils, Chapter 3

Wrong chapter? Back to Table of Contents WARNING: Triggers for physical/sexual abuse. Chapter Three: Wardrobe She grabbed my arm again, and I rounded on her with annoyance. She released me and retreated a couple steps. “Doctor, please. If you go in there, then I have to go, too. And I really don’t want to.” “You […]

Necessary Evils, Chapter 2

Wrong chapter? Back to Table of Contents WARNING: Triggers for physical/sexual abuse. Chapter Two: Names We drove the short distance from the parking lot to the fast food place in complete silence. When we arrived, I left the vehicle with barely a gesture to Rose for her to follow. She obeyed. Obeyed. I grit my […]

Necessary Evils, Chapter 1

Wrong chapter? Back to Table of Contents WARNING: Triggers for physical/sexual abuse. Chapter One: Train There she was: Rose Tyler. I don’t understand how or why the TARDIS managed to cross into this universe or the reason it brought me here. I also did not understand why I reverted back to my tenth generation upon […]

Dna Life Biotechnology Evolution  - TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay

Number 3773

I go by Elle Fairchild. I don’t know my real last name. My mother found me on the streets beside a dumpster where she used to sleep. That was twenty years ago. Some old indie folk song is playing in the funeral parlor, a sad song about an aimless wanderer. That was my mom, alright. […]

Middle Ages Sovereign Woman  - KHphotography / Pixabay

Cynthia’s Destiny

“No!” cries Katie, her soft blonde ringlets bouncing around her red, tear-streaked face. Tiny fingers curl around the strap of her mother’s purse, pulling it off her shoulder. “Katie! Now, you know better than that,” chides her mother, prying the three-year old’s fingers from the purse. The little girl plops down on the floor of […]

Man Guy River Clouds Sun Sunset  - Norexy_art / Pixabay

The Broken Gift

Today is Saturday. I’m at a picnic table, an empty one, at a park by the riverside. It’s only a park because there are a few benches and picnic tables here. Otherwise, it would only be the river and some grass. It’s odd how one thing can change the entire meaning of something. I’m supposed […]

Southern California California Hills  - Designtek / Pixabay

Shades of Green

I know this is a dream because I recognize the shade of green. A tingle of anticipation ripples through me, more a mental sensation than physical. Then again, without a physical brain, sensations can’t really be felt. Until they reach the brain, the feelings are only signals. So are thoughts. Would I cease to exist […]

Killer Mercenary Assassin Mafia  - Victoria_Borodinova / Pixabay

The Pistols

The wind rushing through the cracked windows soothed her busy mind. Bills were due and her pockets were running out of spare change. The van drove on, taking her to yet another busted town that did little more than tickle her bank account. They closed the windows, allowing the mindless prattle of her boss and […]

Love Silhouette Couple Kiss  - AlemCoksa / Pixabay

Marrying Death

Here’s a story I wrote for an iWriter client awhile back. It’s published on Spark Fiction under someone else’s name because I ghost wrote it, but…eh. Here it is anyway. Lol How wonderful it must be to control your own fate. I’m lost in a daydream when they face me toward the mirror, imagining a […]